In The Seven Wisdoms (Bud's mission), once you talk to the first 5 Wisdoms in their locations, Selva will be forced to appear in Gato Grottoes.The loadscreens in the other method are slightly faster) (You can also choose 'no' and walk in, but this still leaves half a conversation to mash through. Reenter the screen, then reenter the workshop and talk to Nunuzac (stained glass face guy) and you will skip a long diatribe and head right to the end of the mission. In Cage of Dreams (available after a main storyline is complete at Home), when you reach the point where you talk to Pokeihl, tell him 'no' and walk away.Just head left past them and end the mission. In Murmuring Forest (Enter Jungle after DuCate and talk to Selkie in the Courtyard of Rain and then the Forested Ruins), when you start the mission proper, ignore Escad and the nun.Once you're out of this cave, just head left and you're done. Skim by to the right and down a set of stairs. In Flame of Hope (Starts on entering Gato Grottoes for the first time and touching a nun), when you reach the dungeon finally, ignore the sproutling's dropped leaves and head to the leftmost cave.Also, at the save statue, if you head to the upper right you skip a fight and a couple screen transitions on your way to the cliff. In Gorgon Eye (Starts upon entering Lake Kilma the first time) you can walk under the penguins and talk to the captain to shorten the dialogue considerably.They're hard to clip, but this lets you skip a battle. When the battle wraps up, you should end up with frozen enemies onscreen in the non-battle setup. When you finish the first battle, don't pick up the XP/items that drop, instead run left as far as possible. The screen with two battles on it, the encounter triggers overlap. Also in Lucemia, past the first Selva encounter, party member or pet recommended.You can "wiggle" past him, or if you have a party member, stand on their pixels and glide through him. Selva skip in Lucemia: Selva appears twice and initiates two lines of dialogs, with a decision box.
Starting Reach for the Stars and then starting Can't Look Back fails Reach for the Stars This is used in Jumi to free up Duma Desert for Fluorite.Initiating this mission also allows you to begin Lucky Clover without needing to complete Gilbert: School Amour first. This allows you to do Wimpy Thugling and Blessed Elixer before the Gilbert line is completed. Starting Reach for the Stars (Enter Duma Desert and talk to the basilisk 1x, leave after she says she doesn't know what to do) removes the basilisk from Geo's cafe-this means you can mess around in Geo all you want without triggering Gilbert: School Amour and losing the Gilbert missions up to it.Starting Can't Look Back (Entering Fieg Snowfields) and then leaving before completion removes Melphianse (Demon principal/teacher) from Geo's school until Can't Look Back is finished.